Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Poop! Poop! Poop!

Potty training is getting a tiny bit annoying to me. I decided that I never seem to find details that help me, so I am going to spill it all and just be blunt about everything. :) In hopes of helping someone like myself.

I am really trying hard to be super patient. Mothers of singletons have it hard. I cannot imagine how Jon and Kate did it with their SIX! Well we saw most of it on TV, but still.

I am trying really hard to hunker down and do this. The bad thing is that I started bribing the boys early on with potty treats... the only way Sargent Potty would have anything to do with it at all.

I really regret this now.

I am going to call my sons General Potty and Sargent Potty for a while.
General Potty is the type of personality who if Sargent Potty is doing something he gets kind of jealous (usually the observer who wants to do things perfectly before he tries them) and doesn't want Sargent Potty to show him up. I don't know if this is just in regards to potty right now or if he is tired of Sargent doing everything first...

Sargent Potty is a go getter with a personality that is out of this world. From birth he was a grunter and always making noise, and did everything months in advance and before General. Sargent is small... I hope he doesn't have little man syndrome! But like I said before he didn't want to have anything to do with the potty for a long time.

General is sleeping without peeing, but Sargent is not. Sargent will start to pee and stop it until he is on the potty. General does not... although today he started pooping in his pants and hurried to the toilet to finish. And on Sunday as tired as they both were and all the accidents they had General was holding it and jumping up and down to get to the potty while he was in the tub and then again a short time later. They are becoming aware. It is fantastic.

The last time we went to the zoo we got a book called "ZOO-POO". The boys LOVE this book and want to read it over and over and over again. Since they have really been more excited to go on the potty. When they are tired, they have WAY more accidents.

Today I decided that I would bribe them with something fun. We have a membership to the Hogle Zoo, so we go a lot. Since trying to sleep train we haven't been, but we generally do. They also have some new babies that arrived and will shortly arrive. The boys are very excited about this. I decided to tell them every day for a week that if they use the potty every time they can go to the zoo for as long as they want and do everything they want, which includes the train and carousel as many times as they want.

They got really excited and ran in to the potty. This might just work. I think it is why General decided to hold his poo in instead of finish in his pants as is his usual custom.

I think that I might be overloading them with change right now though... Sleep and Potty training at the same time. and they are already 2 and everything is already pretty rough on them to begin with as they learn and grow. Poor poopers. I sure do love them. I hope we all make it over the poop pile soon.

Cara :)

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