Sunday, August 2, 2009

Be on Time and Prioritize

I realize that being on time is very important.

Recently I had a couple of issues in regards to trying to be on time with getting my sons to sleep and missing some very important appointments because I was so worried about them getting the sleep they needed... and I have been really tired from everything that has led up to teaching them to sleep on their own in the first place and ensuring that they get adequate rest.

I can't seem to do anything. It somehow seems like I finally get things in order and then everything falls out of order.

What are the most important things? I have been sitting in a doorway for the past 9 days and nights and my dishes are not done. By the time they finally go to sleep (after day 10 I start removing myself from the presence of the room completely... One More Day!!! Hooray!!) I am exhausted and just need to sit down. On top of that I have been running back and forth trying to get my mom moved and still keep any type of organization to my house and my children's lives. This is hard business. :)

I think sometimes it is totally OK to just do other things. Your mess will still be there when all is said and done. No matter when you get it done you are still doing the same amount of cleaning, whether it all be at one time in an hour or ten minutes here and there. It all adds up to the same thing. The most important thing to me right now is sanity and peace and calm in our home. This can only be accomplished by getting the boys to sleep and being able to get stuff done while they do it.

I think those are pretty great priorities myself. :) And at least I rinse and stack my dishes and the boys help me keep the whole rest of the house picked up. :) It isn't completely insane.

I think it is best to not schedule appointments when you know your children will be napping. And if you are going to lay down to take a short nap (that you never seem to get) have your phone by you so when your worried husband calls because you aren't there, it will wake you up. Sorry everyone.

It is just a simple routine... :)

Cara :)

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