Monday, August 17, 2009

I am just plain excited!!

Too Excited to Sleep
You know how when you find something that you love and you really want to share it with people, you cannot sleep, or you wake up several times a night with these great ideas of how you can really share it and let people know how awesome it is...?

Well That is what has been happening to me.

I have so many fantastic things that I really want to share with the world! I just got back from convention with my business colleagues. :) We are all independent, but work together.

A couple of the things that I came to realize have etched a perma-smile on my face the last few days...

One thing that I am excited about is that the reasoning behind my joining the company in the first place, I love the product: It is getting better!! They are listening not only to the consultants, but the customers and they are constantly improving and taking our ideas and creating them, making them real.

Integrity and Love
Another reason I joined is the integrity of the company... They not only have great integrity, but they have love. I had met the owners previously. It has been a few months, and out of an ever increasing amount of over 40,000 consultants, when I met them again at convention, they remembered my name. No name tag, they remembered. I felt so loved and I felt so significant.

I want to be like that. I want to remember everyone I meet and let them feel the love that I truly have for life and the people who are sharing this amazing journey with me.

Mission Statement
Another reason I joined this particular company was that I really loved the mission statement. It came alive to me at this (my first) convention. "To bring value to the world by providing an industry leading, family-friendly business opportunity selling creative, artistic, high-quality products that warm the heart, enliven the senses, and inspire the soul."

This is what it does. There is no way that it will not happen. When you smell something, it is emotional. Your soul comes alive as it is flooded with memory, both good and bad. You are inspired, enlivened and your home and heart is warmed with goodness. I love that!!

I am really, really excited that we are going to have a much, MUCH better website launch on September first. I have been kind of frustrated with the website and it's non-functionality. I am so INCREDIBLY excited about the new website.

If you have visited my website you know that it is not very friendly and that I have an awful lot of information on my home page... I do that because there really is a lot that I don't want anyone to miss out on, and hope that whomever is looking at it will get what they personally need. After September first, you will see a much more beautiful and personalized website that has better functionality. :) YEAH!!! :) Go ahead feel my excitement and do a giddy little dance with me. :)

I am excited about these things, but I am also excited about a couple more things that to my knowledge a Direct Selling business doesn't normally, or ever offer or provide to their consultants... They are providing a group insurance to us! They are launching a scholarship fund for our children. They have established a contribution program to help our local communities. With this, it isn't you giving them money that they can spend, it is US, You and I simply pledging to spend money to our locally owned businesses on a certain day. "On my Honor" :) This I love!

There are soo many fabulous things that are being provided, offered and improved upon. I just had to share it all with you. :)

More Love
I love that in order for me to be "at the top" I don't have to climb over anyone. I can only get to the top if I help others. Life is about giving more than we take. When we give a little love, we undoubtedly get a lot of love in return. I hope you will always remember to love and give more than you take. :)

Enjoy right now.
Cara :)

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